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Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Ro





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本




Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖1)-速報App

Abbey Road Studios' voice memo app for songwriters

Record your song ideas using Topline

Import instrumentals and record audio on up to two tracks

Build and organise projects by adding lyrics, tags and pictures

Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖2)-速報App

Convert and export to MP3 audio files

Save projects to your device and sync to your Google Drive and Dropbox

Rising talents Indigo Palace & BLOOM wrote and recorded their track 'Storm' using the Topline app. Watch here


Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖3)-速報App

To develop Topline, we worked closely with emerging songwriters and producers from across London to understand their creative needs.

They all shared a big concern about losing original song ideas. We decided to solve this challenge and the result is Topline. The latest in a continuing series of innovations designed to bring the Abbey Road magic closer to music makers whenever and wherever they create.


Awarded Music App of the Year and UX of the Year at the UK App Awards 2018

Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖4)-速報App

“It's symbolic that Abbey Road, the world’s most famous recording studios, is launching a free iOS recording app. Times have changed, and here’s evidence of one of the great bastions of the music industry changing with them.” — Music Radar

“Forgetting that melody you thought of on the bus, or that riff just before bed is one of the most frustrating things for a musician. However, Abbey Road’s free iOS app, Topline, looks to alleviate these frustrations.” — Music Tech

Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖5)-速報App

ANDROID TOPLINE — What to expect

The app is still very much in the development phase, so please be patient while we optimise the experience for Android users. Please contact our team if you would like to feedback. You can contact us at apps@abbeyroad.com

Topline: Audio Recording App by Abbey Road Studios(圖6)-速報App